How China is Forging a New Green Industrial Model

Policy Brief Number 9
February 2013

How China is Forging a New Green Industrial Model

Author: John A. Mathews

In early 2013, China – and to some extent Brazil and India – was staging a “Great Convergence” in terms of industrial strength and incomes. This reversed the past two centuries of the Great Divergence, which has separated them from the West. In the process, the BICs were lifting millions of people out of poverty. But in the great transformation, there was a significant problem: the model of industrial capitalism which served the West so well might not “scale” to lift vast new populations out of poverty. China was busily forging new institutional arrangements and new “green” strategies of industrialization while simultaneously pursuing fossil-fueled “black” industrial growth. This paper examines this new green model of industrial capitalism China was creating.

How China is Forging a Green Industrial Model

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